Hypnose nutritionelle - Maud Poulet

hypnosis nutritional

« The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. »


Hello and welcome on my site, hypnosis nutritional by Maud Poulet! If you are on this website you must be curious about hypnosis. Do you want to lose weight? Have you suffered a loss or a trauma that you cannot heal? Would you like to change your life, feel less anxious and improve your sleep? Could you live without stress and regain the desire to exercise? Do you have uncontrollable fears that make your life hell? Are you hoping to remain calm during your pregnancy and give birth in confidence? Hypnosis allows you to access your own power and helps foster the process of healing and change. This safe treatment provides great help to adults, adolescents and even children.

Maud Poulet - hypnose nutritionnelle - hypnosis nutritiona

Maud Poulet

Nutritherapist Hypnotherapist Coach

Graduate of the IHT in Switzerland, Institute of Therapeutic and Ericksonian Hypnosis Trainer in EFT and dowsing Trained in Canada for the CD® and with F. Kinslow for the QE®

Access Bars®, Bach Flowers and Tipi® for children graduate Trained by G. Pellerin to offer C.R.O, Operational Refocusing Consultation

Certified in Zen of mBraining Heart of Wisdom Teachings, Peru. Victory Ashley

Diplômée de l’IHT en Suisse, Institut d’Hypnose Thérapeutique et Ericksonnienne Formatrice en EFT et radiesthésie Formée au Canada pour le CD® et avec F. Kinslow pour le QE®

Diplômée Access Bars®, Fleurs de Bach et Tipi® pour les petits Formée par G. Pellerin pour proposer des C.R.O, Consultation Recentrage Opérationnel

Certifiée en Zen of mBraining Heart of Wisdom Teachings, Peru. Victoire Ashley

My services

Hypnose pour maigrir - Hypnose nutritionelle - Maud Poulet - hypnosis nutritiona

Weight loss and health

Do you have questions about losing weight?

Hypnose et infertilité - Hypnose nutritionelle - Maud Poulet - hypnosis nutritiona

Infertility and Pregnancy

Are you trying for a baby? Are you having difficulty conceiving?

Hypnose pour les enefants - Hypnose nutritionelle - Maud Poulet - hypnosis nutritiona

Hypnosis for children

Hypnosis session for children and teenagers


Prendre un RDV
11 rue de la 7ème Armée
Saint Laurent 88000 Epinal
+33 06 43 43 05 25
46 rue Blanche Monier
Ile verte 38000 Grenoble